Departures and Arrivals

Departures and Arrivals

It has been a great disappointment to us to lose the services of Jim Walker (pictured) who represented Contemplative Outreach in the Brighton area for a number of years following the creation of this Chapter. The trajectory of Jim's life has taken him to Eritrea - yes that is right, Eritrea. His wife was given a placement there and Jim went along too. Last we heard he was teaching Centering Prayer to some nuns in Asmara and chanting the Psalms with them - in English! Such are the twists and turns of a contemplative vocation.

I once asked Jim if he had a favourite Thomas Keating quote. At the time he said not but a long while later he came back with "When we pray, we pray for everyone past, present and to come, the whole of creation". In other words, there's no such thing as solitary prayer. He may be totally off-grid electronically but he is still deeply connected to all of us through the Spirit.

We thank Jim for all his hard work and wish him every blessing in this new phase of his life.

Jim's place on the South Coast is taken by Rev. Guy Partridge whose details appear on the "Who We Are" page. Guy recently qualified as a Centering Prayer Presenter having travelled to Dublin to train with Fionnuala Quinn, the International Coordinator. We are looking forward to working with him.