Contemplative Outreach London held its first Introduction to Centering Prayer in the late nineties. A visit to London by Fr. Thomas Keating in 2003 generated much interest and several groups became established in London and Greater London. Since then new groups have started and there is increased awareness of the practice. Contemplative Outreach London is run entirely by volunteers. As we move into the autumn we shall be looking at how best to support and help grow the London community by making more materials available, by providing training for group facilitators and presenters. There will also be Introductory days and input days to maintain continuity in teaching the method of Centering Prayer.
If you are interested in keeping in touch with our activities please join our mailing list and check this website where an up to date diary will be displayed.
Introductory Days
An introductory day will give all the essential information you need to practise Centering Prayer. If you would like to know more or participate in regular practice with a group we offer an optional follow up of six further sessions. These 90-minute gatherings provide an opportunity to be in silence, then watch and discuss a dvd presentation by Fr. Thomas Keating. These sessions support an emerging daily practice of Centering Prayer.
If you are interested in having an introductory day in your area or an introductory evening (a taste of Centering Prayer) please contact Jill Benet. We have several people who have been specially trained and commissioned by Contemplative Outreach to teach this course.
Quiet Days
We also offer Quiet Days. A Quiet Day will give you the opportunity to spend a day mostly in silence with a group. These days include extended periods of Centering Prayer, some input and quiet time.
For more information, contact Jill Benet
We have one centre in London where you can come on a regular basis to experience and learn about Centering Prayer. This is at the Hinsley Room, Westminster Cathedral.
The Hinsley Room
Morpeth Terrace, Westminster, London SW1P 1EW
Meets every Saturday morning from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
For further details contact: David Martin, by Email.
This group is now meeting on Saturday mornings online.