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Deeper Silence, Deeper Self
November 23, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
£25Event Navigation
Led by Rev'd. Mel King.
We are invited to live into the fullness of life in Christ in whom we find our true identity (John 10:10 I have come that they may have life, and life in all fullness). However, we often seek our happiness elsewhere. How do we awaken to spiritual awareness and the deeper self? And what gets in the way?
A quiet day with times of Centering Prayer. The day will focus on the dynamic of the unconscious self in Centering Prayer, and draw on the insights of Thomas Keating, Cynthia Bourgeault and others and our own experience.
Recommended for those who have a regular Centering Prayer practice.
Please bring a pack lunch or order sandwiches on arrival. Drinks will be available.