We support Centering Prayer groups and individuals in Yorkshire and the North East of England. Introductory workshops for Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and the Welcome Prayer Practice are offered and also Quiet Days and Retreats. When such an event is scheduled it will appear in the events listing on this website.
Alternatively, you can arrange for us to to come and talk to your particular community at any time. To do so contact regional coordinator Rev. Mel King by email.
We look forward to hearing from you!

COVID-19. Meetings on Zoom
During these times of Covid-19, Zoom has provided some local groups with a regular meeting, and also some opportunities for learning and development.
Introductory Days and Post-Introductory weekly series are also currently running on Zoom.
About Introductory Days
An Introductory Day will give a foundation in the practice and the conceptual background of Centering Prayer to support you as you begin.
If you feel drawn to continue or to participate in regular practice with a group we offer an optional Follow up Series of 6-8 sessions. These 100-minute gatherings provide an opportunity to be together in silence, to experience Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina, and to watch and discuss a short video talk or other material.
Online Courses, January - March 2022
There will be a series of seven online meetings on Tuesday evenings from January 25th to March 29th beginning with a Introductory Course on the first two dates. For further details download the flyer Spring-2022-Courses-YNE.
To book go to our Eventbrite page.
Centering Prayer Meetings
North Yorkshire
Hambleton Group: Northallerton, Thirsk and Sowerby
Currently meets monthly on Zoom - Mondays 2:00pm – 3:15pm
Contact: Rev. Mel King by email or Penny Johnson by email.
Great Ayton
Meets weekly on Wednesdays, 4:00pm - 4:45pm.
Contact: Enid Sedgwick, email.
St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, York YO24 1AQ
Centering Prayer Open - now on Zoom
Contact: Rev. Mel King by email.
St. Mark's Church, Leeds Road, Harrogate HG2 8AY
A regular Centering Prayer group meets monthly on a Saturday morning. For dates and information please contact us by email. We are currently meeting on Zoom. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining us: email.
St. Antony's Priory, Durham DH1 1QT
Christian Spirituality Centre and Community
Director: Rev. Dr. Nicholas Buxton
Contact: 0191 384 3747