Jill Benet (London)
is a lifelong practitioner of meditation and in the last 20 years of Centering Prayer. She has studied in depth the conceptual background and has attended several retreats lead by Thomas Keating, Cynthia Bourgeault and Richard Rohr among others. She has trained in the US and UK and leads groups, Introductory Days, Quiet Days and retreats. She is currently exploring Focusing and Art in relation to contemplative practice. Jill is a co-founder of the Silence in the City Series of talks on the contemplative life. Contact.

Debbie House (Norwich)
Debbie House was introduced to Centering Prayer and Welcoming in 2008 at the beginning of her return to Christianity and hasn't looked back. She has a particular interest in outreach to those in need. Contact her on 07757 063066 or by email.

Mel King (Yorkshire)
Mel is a life-long lover of silence. A trained teacher and accompanist of many years in lectio divina for groups and Ignatian Contemplation, she came upon Centering Prayer a decade ago, and discovered that it opens the doors of an almost-forgotten dimension of Christianity. Trained through Contemplative Outreach, she teaches Centering Prayer and related contemplative practices on Introductory Days and retreats. She lives in North Yorkshire and is the Coordinater for local groups in the North-East and Yorkshire regions. Mel can be contacted by email

Guy Partridge (Lewes)
Guy is Pastor of a Baptist Church in rural mid-Sussex. He was first drawn to silent prayer many years ago through attending monthly retreat days at a local Anglican Monastery. He has been practising Centering Prayer now for some 5 years and has found it to be a transformative experience.

Steve Pearce (Hertfordshire)
has been a practitioner of Centering Prayer for 25 years during which time he has attended retreats with Thomas Keating and Cynthia Bourgeault among others. He has been at the service of Contemplative Outreach in the UK for the last 15 years and has given numerous Introductory Days all over the south and east of England. Steve lives in North Hertfordshire where he is a spiritual director, offering accompaniment in the Franciscan tradition. He has a particular interest in contemplative chant. He can be contacted by email.